Saturday, August 25, 2012

A Loving Letter To My Children

                                August 25th, 2012

Dear Family,

    This is my 12 month list for being ready for living on our “food storage”. As I’m sure you’ve noticed, there’s no food on the list. That’s because food is a given and should be built up continually.

    The list is only a sample, but I implore you to PLEASE be serious about being prepared. It is not something to panic or worry over but the lifestyle we will be living during hard times will depend on what we do right now. Now is the time to renew our dedication to being able to take care of ourselves and our children and help our neighbors when the time comes.

    Do what you are able to do. Use your resources carefully and prayerfully and with this in mind, without going into debt for it. (example: I am passing on replacing our carpet so that the money can be used for preparedness.)

    We love you and may your thoughts be guided as you go forward with taking care of your families.

                                    Mom and Dad

12 Month Preparedness Plan -

January - Clothing Cleanliness and Maintenance, (Sewing, Fabric, Detergent)

February - Vitamins, Herbs, Medications

March - Personal Physical Cleanliness

April - Gardening, (Seeds, Tools, Fertilizer)

May - Water, (Barrels, Filters, Refresh, etc.)

June - First Aid

July - House Cleaners, (LOC, White Vinegar, Baking Soda, Table Salt, etc,)

August - Communication (Batteries, Radio, Journals, Paper, Pens, etc.)

September - Cooking (Ways and Means)

October - Fuel and Lighting

November - Warmth (Shoes, Socks, Coats, Sweaters, Blankets, Sleeping Bags)

December - Update and Refresh 72 hr. Kits

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