Monday, October 12, 2009

THIS is Disneyland for little girls!

What an amazing place! I love how the rides put you right into the sets from your favorite movies, all the way down to the details. The fireworks were outstanding! I loved watching Steamboat Willie and reminiscing on Main Street. I love how clean the park is. The popcorn was especially good. I love the music. It was great to meet the princesses, and the royal dinner - delicious! I love that when Abbie wandered off they jumped into immediate action. She was found in short order and we were told that not one child has ever gone missing from Disneyland; and when Paige ran through the gate as we left to go home the gatekeeper kept his eyes on her to make sure she was safe with her people. Abbie was a little bit shy with some of the characters. Paige was thrilled with the roller coasters. Mollie was able to nap in spite of all the hustle and bustle. All of us did things we wanted to do, including getting a good night's sleep after we dropped down exhausted into bed Saturday night. I got some great magnets for my kitchen and a glitter ball with The Sorcerer's Apprentice inside, but best of all is my Sorcerer's hat!

1 comment:

Hanaike House said...

Looks like so much fun. I wish the pictures were bigger. I'd love to see them all when we get together again.