Tuesday, May 3, 2011

How-To Do A Spring Detox

Just as the outside of our bodies need bathing every day or so, the inside needs cleansing from time to time as well, for the sake of washing away accumulated toxins from water, air, the environment, prescription drugs and even some of the foods we eat. Our Great Great Grandparents knew and understood the need for regular fasting as a pathway to a longer, healthier life, but over time this practice fell by the wayside. Now, much is understood again of it's tremendous value. I first learned about it from a book by Paul Bragg called, The Miracle Of Fasting. It's chock full of reasons why it's worth it to fast whether it's a total or partial fast. I am in the middle of a second 3-day fruit fast in 10 days and the migraines I've been having daily for about 6 weeks, are gone.

So, how do you do it and where do you start?

Well, as they say, different strokes for different folks. There are many ways to go about it. With a bit of research you can find a way that's right for you. I have gone on complete water fasts for 1-5 days. My sister Sheryl has done a 10 day fast of water with lemon juice sweetened with pure maple syrup. The word "fast" means just that; in other words "for fast results". And when we get sick and don't feel like eating, our body is telling us that we need to go without food. This allows our body to rest from the work of digestion so that it may use it's energy to get well.
Not all people can do a complete fast, though, so what do you do then? The next best things are juice fasting - only juice and water, and fruit fasting - eating only fruit and drinking fresh clean water. Remember that fruit is anything with a seed. Cucumbers, green beans, both winter and summer squash, tomatoes and bell peppers are a few examples of non-sweet fruits. Avocado and olives are fruits too, just limit the amount.
For some variety I include fresh/frozen fruits blended in the blender to make smoothies or "ice cream", warmed non-sweet fruits to make soup, stir-fried non-sweet fruits, and spaghetti squash with seasoned tomato sauce to make a pastaless, meatless "spaghetti". (I do take a little liberty by using onions, garlic and the smallest amounts of coconut oil or olive oil.)
Be aware of your body's needs as you fast. There is such a thing as cleansing too quickly. Our bodies can only handle so much. I believe God intended for us to ask Him for help with our individual health issues. No one knows you better than you and Him. Don't be afraid to follow your God-given instincts. He always gives the best.
Some of the non-sweet fruits include:
Bell Pepper
Green Beans
Hot Peppers
Snow Peas
Spaghetti Squash
Summer Squash-All types
Winter Squash-All types

Paul Bragg, avid about fasting, taught that regular cleanses over time was the only way to detox a lifetime of buildup. Once or twice just isn't enough. But anything we do to internally cleanse can add more healthy days, even years to our lives, helping us to preserve ourselves from the effects of old age and degenerative disease.
Use good judgement in how you proceed if you decide to try fasting and have never done it before or have been in ill health. Start slowly, perhaps with just one day. You may want to consult someone with experience and know-how, and once again, be prayerful and follow your gut instincts.
For more information about fasting:
The Miracle of Fasting, water, lemons,
fruit smoothies, fruit market.


Suzanne said...

I love doing the fruit fast...especially since so many "vegetables" are really fruits. Can't wait for a lunch of zucchini, summer squash, bell pepper and onion today. I'll be eating a huge ol' serving. So yum. One of these days I'll probably look into other kinds of fasts.

Karey said...

This is also a good idea every so often to prove to ourselves that we can do without our chosen vices (mine is chocolate).

Christie said...

I so don't think I have the willpower for this (which is probably why I should do it). Thanks for the info!

Juli said...

I have to say that I always feel better when my diet is rich in vegies and fruits.

something to think about... Thanks!