Tuesday, April 19, 2011

How-To Laugh At Incredibly Hot Weather

It's just too freakin' hot where I live! Summer days are over 100 degrees regularly and the nights, over 80. Our first summer here produced $300 a month electric bills and for as small as our house is, that's rediculous.
My Mom told me that she put up clear plastic shower curtains underneath her regular curtains and it brought the inside temperature down by at least 10 degrees. So I thought about this and came up with an over-the-top strategy.I bought lengths of clear plastic off the roll from the fabric section of the department store and cut it several inches larger than each of my windows. I then secured it with small nails so that the plastic almost touches the glass. Then I put up clear shower curtains just under the mini blinds with a small nail at each reinforced hole. For the final touch I put decorative plastic shower curtains over the mini blinds. (They look like sheers to the unsavvy eye.)

Think this to be a bit excessive?

Let me tell you what happened.

Our electric bill is calculated over a one year period and leveled so that each month our payment is the same. When they recalculated for the new year after the plastic went up, they owed us! We had so much credit on our bill we didn't have to pay for electricity for 5 MONTHS. And when we started paying again, our bill was $100 less a month!
(I'm sure that if the plastic keeps the cooler air inside and the hot air out in the summer, it will do the reverse in the winter as well.)

Just a little How-To to help you laugh all the way to the bank as you save that money for your next vacation or to get rid of some debt, or to use however you choose rather than on that electric bill!


Suzanne said...

Now that's my kind of thinkin'. You know I love saving money! I love that you didn't have to pay for 5 months. That totally rocks.

Lauren in GA said...

Holy MOLY!!!!!! It gets so hot in Georgia...I need to try this...or a version of this. Thank you!!!!

Thelma said...

I love anything that saves money!

Christie said...

That is amazing! I have never heard of this. I would love lower electric bills in the summer. Awesome!

Rocky Creek Valley Farm said...

Wow. Again, WOW. I have to admit at the first mention of plastic on windows I shied away. I had a flashback of my moms plastic covered furniture. But, that savings is impressive. VERY impressive. Way to go.

Cathy said...

I've never heard of doing this before. I'm a believer though! Your results were amazing.

Karey said...

Wow! What a great tip. Next week, you'll have to tell us what you did with that extra $100/month.

Cares and Mimi said...

Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful! Yippee for you! Thanks for sharing~ Cares

Donna said...

Karey, the use of the extra $ was very timely. It came when our kids had some major issues going on and it made it more possible for us to help them. It was a blessing from God. We've learned that grown up children have grown up problems. Makes us miss those diaper and runny nose days! :)

Juli said...

I always plastic the windows in the winter. My house is 70 years old, and I still have original windows along the front.

But I hate that I just throw it away in the spring. I never thought of the heavier grade at the fabric store.

Fantastic idea! I am so telling people about this. :)

jessica said...

I would love some 100 degree weather right now! Where I live I wouldn't need to do this, but I think it is a very smart idea. Nothing like extra money in the bank!