Thursday, April 28, 2011

$300 For That Hidden Treasure, Please!

This week I spent Monday-Wednesday doing a little detox. You know, getting rid of some of that inner body build-up, like an internal bath. In so doing, an interesting thing happened. My migraine headaches are going away.
In the process, I had a more severe headache and wondered what could be wrong, but I've done cleanses before. I'm realizing that the stronger headache was because a detox was going on. I've experienced my lungs, liver and brain cleansing during a fast before and I'm quite sure this is what was happening.
I'm so grateful for God's commandments and answers to prayers. I know that because I have simply kept the Word of Wisdom or, health law, and prayed much about how to take care of myself in a natural, healthy and effective way, that once again I have been truly gifted with a "hidden treasure of knowledge". So much for an expensive CT scan. Wish I'd done the cleanse FIRST!

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