Monday, April 4, 2011

How-Not-To Mop A Kitchen Floor

OK, I already knew my floor had a problem. I'm probably the last to figure this out, so please don't judge my ignorance too harshly. Here is my over-exhuberance at having finally made the discovery! It's called Magic Eraser is OK to use on vinyl flooring. With all the "soft" mopping I've done over time, I didn't see the buildup till it became In-Your-Face obvious. I even heard that you can buy a Magic Eraser mop but I haven't seen one out there yet. I must not shop at the right stores. Still, I think the best way to get some things off the floor is to get down there and scrub, or would one of those mops really have done the trick? It's pretty easy to see where I've scrubbed and where I haven't. And once the floor was good and clean I simply went over it with Mop-n-Glo.

Ta Da!!


Hanaike House said...

Thanks, I'm going to try that. I never can get my kitchen floor clean!

Karey said...

Great job. It looks so good. I love, love, love Magic Erasers.

Suzanne said...

Yeah, your floor looks absolutely fabulous! I hate those build ups that are so slow and little by little that they are hardly even noticeable forever. Look how shiny that floor is! Yes, magic erasers are the total best.

Christie said...

I am so in love with the magic eraser, it's not even funny. I love that thing. Awesome tips.

crystal said...

You & your magic eraser are officially invited to my house. I'll serve you chocolate chip cookies and by the time you're done helping me, we'll be able to eat them off the floor.

Julie said...

This post is definitely commercial worthy!

Juli said...

Holy Moses!

Now I'm thinking I should go wash my floor... maybe tomorrow... or the next day...