Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Ryukyu Mura

Ryukyu Mura is a a place to go that's full of history, crafts, music and ancient homes that have been restored. It is much like the Polynesian Cultural Center but on a much smaller scale. Ryukyu is the ancient name for the islands of Okinawa and was the name of the ruling family.Here is a craft table for stringing beads into jewelry, and making kaleidoscopes. This is a rickshaw made for royalty! There are cute little elves like the one in the tree house all over the island. Isabel is feeding the fish and they are going crazy for it! This is not a dragon it's a Shisa Dog. He sits by the door and collects your warrior spirit so that peace will dwell inside. When you leave you may take it with you again. They also protect the home from evil spirits so they are also found on the roofs of houses. These are homes from different eras of Okinawan history.

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