Sunday, May 24, 2009

But what about the pool?

We are excited because next Saturday Celeste and Jeremie and the girls are going to be here. I have some things I want to get done before they come, like, I want to clean my bedroom and get laundry caught up, and I also want to clean out the refrigerator. We are greening up the lawn because it was starting to get a bit dry, and we'll be pulling weeds and making the patio more useable. But I am in a quandry over what to do with our pool.
While it's true, we have had 4 good years together, I just don't know if I'm ready to part with it. It has over 100 holes in it from a couple of summers ago as the result of a run-in with a 4 pound weight. The patches aren't holding up quite as well as they did at first so it may spring a leak or two somewhere but I don't think this pool can be replaced. (They don't use the heavy duty materials they used to). I could exercise in the pool at the gym, however swimming in public is certainly not my first love. And I know we would have a blast using it this weekend. Part of me thinks there is still some life left in it.
Hmmmmm. What to do; what to do?

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

I hope you can keep the pool alive a bit longer. It would be great if you all could keep using it for at least one more summer! Good luck.

Glad you got the background to work, it looks nice.